Help broaden young people’s horizons
Donate Now
Thank you for choosing to donate. It costs just under £3,000 to fund a Reacher on an overseas expedition and mentoring programme. Reachers fundraise £300, the remaining balance is covered by the generosity of our donors. Operation Reach is run by volunteers.
As an example, a donation of £2,700 supports one Reacher through the programme of overseas travel and ongoing mentoring for a period of two years.
It is quick and simple. Each payday, your employer will take your chosen donation from your gross salary. The donation is taken after National Insurance is deducted, but before tax. This means that your donation will cost up to 45% less through the tax break, dependent on your tax bracket. Find out more on the HMRC website. Please note that Payroll Giving is only available for salaried PAYE employees.
Why not setup Payroll Giving?

Operation Reach promotes social mobility outside the school environment through adventure and life experience.

An integral part of Operation Reach is the ongoing support provided to Reachers after their adventure. We are looking for individuals or businesses who would like to mentor Reachers through a critical phase of their life journey. No formal experience is needed, simply confidence and interest in discussing study techniques, university choices and work opportunities.